ZAP Reservations: ZAP’s Newest Product That Will Streamline Restaurant Operations

May 21, 2024 Business, Marketing
  1. Select “Reserve a table” on the restaurant’s website

  2. Fill in the reservation details (i.e., date, time of reservation) and contact information

  3. Get confirmation via email

  4. Reconfirm slot via email
  1. Easy Access: Login from any compatible device to dive into the ZAP Reservations platform.

  2. Real-Time Insights: Keep your finger on the pulse with live updates on table availability across all your branches.

  3. Effortless Reservations: Customers can book tables seamlessly through the intuitive interface. They can adjust the number of guests, reservation times, and other details.

  4. Personalized Notifications: Keep your customers in the loop with personalized updates confirming their reservation status and table readiness.

  5. Manage Bookings: Restaurant staff can easily manage bookings via the comprehensive dashboard. This includes optimizing seating capacity and ensuring smooth operations.

  6. Customize Branch Settings: Tailor reservation settings for each branch, including availability, timeslots, and capacity, to meet specific needs.

  7. Update Bookings On-The-Go: Staff can manage bookings from any device, ensuring efficient in-store operations and exceptional service delivery.

  8. Real-Time Tracking: Utilize the app’s real-time tracking feature to sort reservations by date, time, or status, optimizing workflow and operational strategy.

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